We’re Disrupting the Tired Property Management and Rental Market

The historical way (and very “model”) of managing properties and leasing to tenants is completely outdated. We need to get real about doing business in this increasingly vibrant and growing rental market. We’re now renting to the fastest-growing demographic in our market — millennials. “I give you money and you give me shelter is just not enough!”

These customers are more remote, tech-savvy and globally connected, but there’s a break in the shared economy between consumers and the property rental ecosystem. Anyone who deals with long-term renters, shared-travel business accounts, and vacation rentals agrees it’s time to build more connection and value within the rental ecosystem.

Photo by Vladimir Kudinov on Unsplash

That’s why we created Leasera, with the goal of:

Empowerment: Enabling property management professionals to use a robust online management system formerly exclusive to enterprise property management companies. One that automates manual processes and adds more value to unite their customer base, increase loyalty, and create longer-term business opportunities

Simplification: Empowering consumers with a single lease that allows them to create and maintain their lease for any duration, anywhere in the world as scheduled while they build value and benefits never before experienced

Unification: Creating a marketplace of property, travel and transportation partnerships to further strengthen the already empowered consumer base utilizing the Leasera unified network

Whether you’re a property service professional, renter, owner, or investor, look for my next few blogs where I’ll discuss in more detail about how Leasera works and how you can improve the current status quo and elevate the global connection so that everyone wins via a single property network. The stay anywhere, for any duration, all with a single network and app is coming to a door near you!

by Barret Newberry, CEO Leasera

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