How to Host the Best 2021 Holiday Party for Your Renters

The holidays are fast-approaching, and it’s time to start planning your 2021 holiday party to celebrate your renters and residents. It’s been a busy year working remotely for many, while also juggling home-schooling and childcare for some. With the stress of that alone, a holiday party is just what your residents need to feel appreciated and connected. Show your appreciation of your residents by throwing a holiday party, either virtual, or in-person to celebrate a year of hard work and gratitude! Keep reading to find a list of 2021 holiday party ideas and tips to host the best celebration for your residents:

1. Start New Traditions

If this is your first year of hosting a holiday event, starting new traditions is a wonderful way to ramp up the excitement for your holiday events all year long! Making memories helps boost morale and engages everyone in the building. Establish a holiday tradition that you practice at your party to celebrate the community you’ve cultivated, and say thank you to your renters. Whether it’s an ornament giveaway, a cookie swap, or annual holiday-card photoshoot, make it fun and memorable for all the residents at your property!

2. Be Inclusive!

As a property manager, it’s extremely important to remember that celebrating holidays looks different for everyone. While some residents celebrate Christmas, others might celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or something else. Others might refrain from celebrations entirely. Try to keep an open mind and be inclusive in your planning. If you’re serving food, be sure to offer vegetarian or vegan options for those who might not eat meat. Also be mindful in the decorations you choose, and try to include a little something for everyone. You don’t have to be perfect, but rather just try to be mindful and respectful of everyone’s traditions and holidays. Your residents will appreciate the effort, and everyone is sure to feel like they have a place at the party.

3. Have an Annual Door or House-Decorating Contest

The best way to get into the holiday spirit is to decorate for the upcoming seasons! This is a fun way to celebrate the holidays, while hosting a little healthy competition for all. Drop voting cards in all the residents mailboxes (optional of course) and ask them to submit their votes a date ahead of the day of the holiday party. Then, tally up the votes and announce the winners at the party! Giveaway a sweet prize like, a percentage off their rent for the next month, or a two-night stay at a partnering hotel for free. Get creative, and be sure to incentivize so everyone participates!

4. Host a “Toast” to Your Residents and Team

Supply the party with bottles of champagne (and sparkling cider) and flutes, and ask everyone in attendance to pause for a brief toast. Prepare a speech for your residents and team, thanking everyone for being a part of such a fun, supportive community. You can even name certain families, residents, or team members for going above and beyond during the year. Whether it’s an act of kindness you observed, or for keeping the property well-maintained and clean, your residents and staff will appreciate the gesture and the bubbles! Plus, this is a great way to set the tone for the upcoming year.

5. Play Holiday Trivia and Games

There’s no shortage of holiday trivia and fun holiday game ideas on the internet. Find a few resources and play these games at your holiday party! Be sure to be age-inclusive and appropriate so you accommodate all your guests. Whether it’s holiday karaoke, or pin the star on the Christmas tree, your residents and guests are sure to have a blast!

6. Close with Announcements or Intentions for the New Year

Prior to the holiday party, take some time to reflect on the past year and what you and your team might be able to improve on. As the party starts to wrap up, share your goals for the New Year and offer residents the opportunity to go home with a ‘suggestions’ sheet. Ask them to go home and reflect on their year renting with you and fill out the questionnaires. This is a great way to gather feedback and find ways to improve your systems and practices.

Each of these ideas can be modified to be virtual if need be. Now, go out and start planning your (appreciation) holiday party! You, your staff, and your residents deserve it!

This is a new era of renter appreciation, and Leasera is leading the way. Learn more at and be sure to get in touch with us to see how we can make your community a better, friendlier, more rewarding place to live.

by Barret Newberry, CEO Leasera

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